Films: The Alpstein region from above
During the summer of 2021 and spring 2022 we took video footage of all 25 mountain inns and six aerial cableways with the help of drones (with a permit). Using the latest technology, we produced 31 short films and one full-length film to show you the Alpstein region from a bird's eye perspective.
On our website you can experience a breathtaking flight unlike any other over the Alpstein massif and its typical mountain inns. Magnificent mountain and valley landscapes, Appenzeller farmhouses, mountain lakes and other attractions are featured in the films. Join us on a virtual journey through the Alpstein region.
The Alpstein von oben project has been realised thanks to cooperation between the Bergwirteverein Alpstein (Mountain Innkeepers Association of the Alpstein Region), the six aerial cableways and Appenzellerland Tourism AI.
We look forward to bidding you «Chönd zonis!» (Welcome) – either virtually or in person – to the Alpstein region.